Wednesday, April 6, 2016

OkCupid - Crushed Hopes and Dreams

So I guess disabling your account is something that is possible. I've noticed with a few of my messages on OkCupid that when I open them they state that the user has disabled their account so of course I can't message back. I don't know why one would do that if they literally just started messaging someone but hey, what do I know? Anyways, I just love to think highly of myself and that maybe I'm the reason the guy below disabled their account.

You didn't even wait three hours for me to respond Joe. Do you not realize that some people actually work and have a social life? Or do you just spend all of your time on this dating app hoping to hold a conversation with someone so that they can be sucked into the app with you as well? I think the icing on the cake for me is his "why?" because to him it is so unfathomable that I haven't responded back yet. I must have crushed his hopes and dreams. Sorry Joe, get used to it.

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